The Awakening Your Light Body courses offer a unique path of spiritual awakening, through experiential, progressive expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being. This is an Orin and DaBen course series, developed by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, and the required foundational series for their advanced meditation teachings. This course is co-taught by Wendy Lang and Sharon Lees .
The Radiance Self-Exciting skills in this course support you in having a better experience of the light body energies and spaces at all levels of study. It is the recommended next course after the Awakening Your Light Body series. These skills help you surrender and open up to whatever experiences are there for you, stay in the flow, on an upward spiral, able to sustain higher spaces. These skills can be used to both open up to higher realms and dimensions, and to bring the light, understanding, and insights you gain into your everyday reality.
"Light Body is my passion! I discovered Light Body meditation at a time when I already had a strong meditation practice. The power of the Light Body completely surprised me. It took me beyond my deepest experiences and has continued, for twenty five years, to open wide the doors into ever expanding states of consciousness. It is my personal path of spiritual transformation and gives me a higher and more compassionate perspective on life. Unlike most other forms of meditation, Light Body meditation is transmission based - in other words, you learn to resonate with the frequencies being held by the guides and teachers. This allows you to quickly and easily experience very powerful and advanced states of consciousness. Teaching Light Body meditation has always been a wonderful experience, and so much fun! I am very excited to be offering this work in a new way. I was looking for an easier way to offer the Awakening course to a larger group of students, and the online webinar format is the result".
Wendy Lang MMQ
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